Joan MacQueen Middle School remains open as a temporary evacuation center. We have A/C, food , water, restrooms, and wifi. Yes, animal friends ARE welcome! #AlpineStrong #United #OnwardandUpward
over 4 years ago, Richard Newman
Important Update
Tuesday (9/8) - AUSD will be providing FREE Grab and Go Meals for the week for all children 18 and under @ JMMS from 11:00 - 12:00 pm. #AlpineStrong #UnitedWeStand
over 4 years ago, Richard Newman
Important Update
Good Evening Alpine, I am sure that this isn’t the Labor Day that we had all envisioned on Friday. 2020 has reared its ugly head once again. We are going to have school tomorrow for those who still have power and have not been displaced by the Valley Fire. We have counselors available for social-emotional support. Additionally, JMMS is a Red Cross Temporary Evacuation Center if your family needs support with food or shelter. Representatives from the Humane Society are also on-site if you need help with your pets. God Bless! Stay Safe Alpine!
over 4 years ago, Mr. C
Principal's Message
We have opened up Joan MacQueen Middle School gym. The gym is air conditioned and we have wifi, food, restrooms and water. We also welcome your pets. Red Cross is on site setting up. #AlpineStrong
over 4 years ago, Richard Newman
#ValleyFire Update: Overnight, the Red Cross team provided safe shelter for three families affected by the fire. The Temporary Evacuation Point at JMMS has closed. The Temporary Evacuation Point at Steele Canyon remains open.
over 4 years ago, Richard Newman
JMMS Weekly Update I can't believe it is already Labor Day. The weather report for the weekend is HOT! So make sure you take steps to stay healthy and safe. Planning throughout the State is in overdrive, and the staff of Joan MacQueen is no different. In the upcoming week, you will receive a significant amount of information about the reopening of school on the Hybrid schedule. Tuesday, September 8th - Communication will be sent home to notify parents and students if they attend classes on Monday/Tuesday(September 21st) or Thursday/Friday(September 24th) in the Hybrid Schedule. This information will also be posted in your child's Learning Strategies Google Classroom. On Wednesday, September 9th, all AUSD schools will present their reopening plan to the AUSD School Board. Thursday, September 10th - Board Presentation will be posted on the JMMS website. On Friday, September 11th - Specific guidelines and procedures are being sent home via the weekly update to assist the transition back to in-person learning. If you change your mind about the learning environment that you would like your child to participate in, please email ASAP. We expect some schedule changes. However, at this time, schedule changes only affect the Learning Strategies Classes.
over 4 years ago, Mr. C
Weekly Update
We are excited to once again welcome our youngest students back on campus. Today, our preschool students began face to face learning. We look forward to all students returning in the near future. #onwardandupward #learningtogether #Alpine
over 4 years ago, Mary Ann Alvarez
Preschool Starting
Preschool Starting
Preschool Starting
Preschool Starting
This is Joan MacQueen's Proud Principal, Casey Currigan. Week one is under our belt, and overall, I think everyone did a great job. Thank you for remaining calm when your child was struggling and needed help logging in to Google, or Zoom wasn't working. As a member of Joan MacQueen's tech support, remaining calm always helps the process move forward. Over the last week, we have all learned a lot about Google Classroom, Pear Deck, IXL, SORA, and countless other apps and programs our teachers use to provide instruction. Good Job Dust Devils! Read the Entire Newsletter at
over 4 years ago, Casey Currigan
Weekly Update
As we continue to plan for the reopening of our schools we want to ensure we have an accurate accounting of each student’s preferred learning model. We will be offering students the option of participating in Distance Learning, returning to school for face-to-face learning in the A/B Day hybrid model, independent study, or our home school program. We realize that you may have rethought which learning model you want your child to participate in. If you would like to make a change to the model your child will be participating in when we reopen our campuses on September 21, please contact the school office by Wednesday, September 3.
over 4 years ago, Rebecca Darcey
Dear AUSD Families, I am thrilled that the 2020-2021 school year is finally underway. Our goal of reopening our schools for face-to-face learning is now close to reality. For the last several months, we have been preparing for the return of our staff and students to campus. We have developed and updated our reopening schools plan with every new public health order. We have purchased pallets of hand sanitizer, face coverings, personal protective equipment, electrostatic cleaners, Chromebooks, new digital books and tools, and much more, all with the goal of reopening our schools with a sound plan in place. We are also finalizing an agreement with the San Diego County Office of Education to provide free hotspots to our families who do not have reliable internet access. To ensure that we had the option to open our schools, even if San Diego remained on the county watchlist, we submitted an Elementary School waiver. Yesterday, we were notified that the county and state approved our waiver. In fact, we were one of only four public school districts in San Diego county to receive a waiver approval. We have reassigned many of our staff, including bus drivers, instructional aides, and food and nutrition staff, to support our families in our Extended Student Services child care program. We were also the first school district in the state of CA to design and develop a Learning Pod option for our parents. In short, we have been focused on adapting our district to meet the challenges our families face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While our goal is to open our schools, we want to do it in a way that ensures the health and safety of our staff, students and families. We have designed a gradual re-entry plan that will allow us to begin to open our schools on September 2 with our Preschool Special Day Class being the first to return for face-to-face learning. Our goal is to ensure that all of our planning and procedures have a chance to be put into practice and tested before we bring all students back on campus. On September 21, we will begin our hybrid learning model with all students returning to campus in the A/B Day learning model. More information will be forthcoming regarding days in which students will be attending. Having our staff and teachers feel safe is critical to our goal of ensuring the opening of our schools is done with care for our entire community. When we return to campus, all students in grades TK-8 will be required to wear a face-covering unless they qualify for one of the exemptions specified in the CDPH face-covering guidelines. With a gradual re-entry plan, we feel confident that we can monitor the success of our social distancing and sanitation measures, make adjustments as needed and ensure that everyone is as safe as possible. While there is much work that has gone into our reopening plan, there is much work ahead. I have asked our staff to assume positive intentions in all our actions and to create a working and learning environment that supports everyone. Lastly, as we move forward and open our schools, I also ask that each of you join me in supporting our students and staff as we all work together to make our community proud of the way we respond in reopening our schools. With great respect and hope for the future, Dr. Rich Newman Proudest Superintendent on Earth
over 4 years ago, Richard Newman
Reopening Schools
6th and 7th Grade Textbook Distribution Wednesday, Aug. 26th from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. More information is available at
over 4 years ago, Casey Currigan
Attention Alpine Families! Zoom is down across the United States. We are aware of the problem and we are looking for solutions.
over 4 years ago, Casey Currigan
JMMS Weekly Update Read the Newsletter at
over 4 years ago, Casey Currigan
Weekly Update
Back to School Night Scheduled for August 25th at 6:00pm
over 4 years ago, Casey Currigan
Update! Material Distribution for Mrs. Ferro's Materials is postponed until next week. Materials were delivered to a different school. Items for Mrs. DeLuna and Mrs. Valade as well as yearbooks still available from 9:00 - 12:00pm
over 4 years ago, Casey Currigan
Last year's 6th, 7th and 8th Graders you can pick up your yearbook tomorrow between 9 -12.
over 4 years ago, Casey Currigan
JMMS Information for August 20 & 21 In a typical school year, the first two days of the school, teachers use the time to get to know their kids and conduct informal assessments. We planned to have students participate in some standardized assessments these days using MAPs and to begin building those relationships. However, some technical issues need a resolution before those assessments can be administered remotely. Once those technical issues are solved, students will be taking baseline assessments in Reading and Math this year. In this newsletter, you will find all the information you and your children will need to prepare for Thursday and Friday of this week. Please read the newsletter and watch the video to prepare your child to start at 8:00 am on Thursday.
over 4 years ago, Casey Currigan
Update on COVID-19 Watchlist Dear AUSD Families, You may have heard the news that the County of San Diego was removed from the state’s COVID-19 watchlist and wonder what it means for Alpine Union. This is encouraging news that could help pave the way for us to reopening schools this fall. However, there are some important things to keep in mind. First, these numbers will need to stay within the acceptable range for at least 14 days before schools in San Diego County will be allowed to reopen without a waiver. Second, when we are allowed to return to face-to-face instruction, we hope to make the transition as seamless as possible for our students, staff, and families by beginning with our hybrid model as outlined in our AUSD Reopening Schools Plan and the AUSD Safe Schools Parent and Student Reopening Guidebook. While we keep a close eye on the watchlist, we are also planning on submitting a County of San Diego Elementary School Waiver next week so that we may begin to reopen our campuses. The process for reopening our schools remains the same as our plans have outlined. For the last several months, we have been developing and updating our reopening plans to do everything possible to ensure healthy environments for our students and staff. As you can imagine, the process for reopening is very complex. District leadership has also been working with our employee associations to develop memorandums of understanding that address working conditions in our schools before employees return to school sites. As a reminder, we have created two options to support our parents as Distance Learning begins: Extended Student Services and Alpine COVID-19 Learning Pods. Information on both options are available on our website on our COVID-19 webpage. I appreciate your flexibility, support, and understanding as we adjust to these ever-changing conditions. I will continue to share updates as they become available. You can also find the most current information on our reopening plans on our COVID-19 webpage. I very much look forward to seeing our students back on campus in the very near future. Stay well and healthy! Sincerely, Dr. Rich Newman Proudest Superintendent on Earth
over 4 years ago, Richard Newman
Share a picture of your kiddo on day one.
over 4 years ago, Casey Currigan
JMMS Welcome Back Newsletter
over 4 years ago, Casey Currigan
Welcome Back