For the latest news and updates, visit our weekly Cub Connection at
For the latest news and updates visit our weekly Cub Connection at
Please visit the weekly Cub Connection for the latest news and updates at
For the latest news and updates, visit our weekly Cub Connection at
If you are interested in our Dual Language TK or Kindergarten programs, please mark your calendar for our Dual Language Info Night Wednesday, May 22nd at 5:30pm! Meeting will be held in the Multiple Purpose Room. All new/incoming parents need to attend if you haven't already. We look forward to seeing you!
The current CELC PTA is looking for amazing parents to volunteer for the 2024-25 PTA Board. Please consider helping the PTA keep the momentum going. It has been a very fun and successful school year. TK parents and incoming CELC parents, please take a moment to fill out the 2024-25 PTA Interest List at
For the latest news and updates, please visit the weekly Cub Connection at
Happy Mother's Day!
Thank You, Alpine Taco Shop and East County Schools Federal Credit Union, for making Staff Appreciation week so special.
We LOVE our Teachers and Staff! If you would like to show your appreciation this week, here are a few ideas. If you have any questions, please email the PTA at
We LOVE our Teachers and Staff! If you would like to show your appreciation this week, here are a few ideas. If you have any questions, please email the PTA at
Visit our weekly Cub Connection for the latest news and updates at
Do you have a student attending first grade at BOES next school year? You are invited to a First Grade Orientation tomorrow, May 1 at, at Boulder Oaks Elementary from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. If you. have any questions, please call 1-619-445-8676
Warm regards- Rebecca Darcey, BOES Principal
Please visit our weekly Cub Connection for the latest news and updates at
Good morning parents.. We plan to keep the day "bright" and hold the parade. We are modifying it slightly to address the mist. All parents that are attending, please under the lunch cover. We are excusing one classroom wing at a time. Students will watch the parade under the awning near their classroom. Rooms 1-4 will watch from the awning by rooms 14-16. Parents can watch from the lunch area for cover. Or if you don't mind a little sprinkle, find a spot around the campus. The students will take one lap around the upper campus. This is the first time in CELC history that it has been wet for this event. Parade starts at 9:15 am.
Please visit our weekly Cub Connection for the latest news and updates at
Visit our weekly Cub Connection for the latest news and updates at
Please see the flyer below for Shadow Hills 1st Grade Orientation.
Please check your student's backpack for a flyer with more information about ordering products with your child's art on it.
Out of an abundance of caution, the District is having students do indoor recess/lunch during peak eclipse hours today from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm to minimize outdoor exposure.