Hello Boulder Oaks Parents, I hope that you all had a great spring break and that everyone is well-rested and ready for a very busy remainder of the school year. On March 15th, we began Phase 3 of our Return to School plan and could not be happier with how well that first week went. It was so wonderful to see the two cohorts come together as one. The teachers spent a lot of the time that week reviewing protocols, reestablishing expectations, and leading their classes through community-building activities to build their class cultures. For me, the best part of the week was being out on the playground and seeing the two cohorts playing together like no time had passed and they were together all along. As expected, the most challenging part of the first week of Phase 3 was drop-off and pick-up. On Monday, it took us 60 minutes to exit all of the cars at pick-up (the rain did not help!) but we were down to 40 minutes the rest of the week. Remember, you are welcome to park and walk up to the front of the school to get your child. Please just make sure that you check in with me or Mrs. Darcey so we can add your name to the list. Also, please remember to NOT turn left out of the parking lot as it has the potential to back up traffic in the parking lot which does not let the lines move along. Thank you for your patience!!! It is VERY MUCH appreciated! We have been fortunate to hire a full-time Title 1 aide that will be with us for the remainder of the year. With her support, we are able to offer some tutoring spots on Wednesdays and in the afternoons on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays. If you are interested in your student having some extra support, please call the school office at 619-445-8676. These 30-minute sessions can take place over Zoom or face-to-face and can have up to two students in each session. This week our PTA will meet over Zoom from 5:30-6:30. Please use the link below. We are actively looking for PTA members to fill our board for next year. If you are interested, please join us! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9386495394 As a reminder, please make sure that your child’s Chromebook is fully charged before coming to school the next day, and please be sure you send a water bottle each day with your student. Lastly, we are in need of water bottle donations. We are down to our last two cases and as the weather is getting warmer, we are going through them quickly. Thank you! As always, thank you for everything that you do to support our school. Have a great week! Jenna Weinert
about 3 years ago, Jenna Weinert
Hello BOES Families, I hope you are enjoying spring break and this beautiful weather! As a reminder, Monday, April 5 is a student day. It was originally scheduled to be a non-student day and a professional growth day for teachers. Due to COVID, it was changed to offer an additional student day. We look forward to seeing all of our students on Monday. Stay safe and healthy! Thank you! Jenna Weinert
about 3 years ago, Jenna Weinert
In-person learning going strong!
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
We are hiring!
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
Substitute teacher
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
Phase three reopening
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
To my amazing BOES families, Your weekly update is one day earlier this week as I wanted to make sure that you read it before we officially begin Phase 3 tomorrow. I have thought a lot about what I would say to you in this email. I am overwhelmed with emotion just at the thought of knowing that almost all of our students will once again be together again tomorrow morning. Over the past few days, I went back and read some of the emails I sent you last spring starting with the one I sent you on March 14th, 2020. I so clearly remember getting up that Saturday morning and composing that email with tears in my eyes. I strongly felt the need to keep us all connected even if we could not be with each other. In that email, I refer to just being apart for four weeks. I had no idea that four weeks would turn into exactly one year! As I read through the letters that I sent you, there were two reoccurring themes in almost every communication: pride and gratefulness. On this 365th day, those two emotions still overcome me when I reflect on what our school family has accomplished together. The pride I feel for our staff, for our parents, and, most of all, our students is enormous. We accomplished what we thought would be impossible. Our teachers and staff learned how to teach in ways they had never imagined in just days. Our students quickly adapted to new ways of learning and continued to show up and never complained. And our parents became teachers overnight and sacrificed greatly to have their children at home. Through it all, you as parents have never left our side. You continued to support us no matter what hurdle was thrown at all of us I will never be able to thank you enough for that unwavering support. I hope that as you drop your child off tomorrow, that you are filled with these same two emotions- pride for your child and yourself for persevering and making it through the last year and grateful that we are finally able to be back together again. This week our teachers will be taking the time to build their classroom cultures as the two cohorts merge together. They will spend time teaching social-emotional lessons and ensuring that our students have a seamless transition. I am looking forward to twice as much laughter filling our halls!! As I have shared before, our greatest challenge will be drop-off and pick-up. Please try to adhere to your assigned drop-off and pick-up time which remains exactly as it was before. Please also gather up as much patience as possible before you get into the lines - you are going to need it! :) We will need your help getting the kids in and out of the car as quickly as possible. Remember that you can park and walk to drop off and pick up your student if you feel the pick-up line does not work for you. Thank you in advance for your understanding and support! This Wednesday, all of our students will be attending a Virtual Assembly through our grant with Community Matters. The Waking Up Courage Assembly introduces students to language and skills they can use to prevent and stop bullying. The Waking Up Courage Assembly is a powerful, student-centered experience that enlists, unites, and empowers students to take a stand and speak up when they see bullying and violence among their peers. This presentation delivers a compelling and consistent message to all students that bullying is never tolerated, and silence isn’t either. It introduces them to youth-friendly language and skills they can use to safely and effectively defuse, deescalate and stop bullying behavior. Look for the Zoom link in your student’s Google Classroom. Here are the assembly times: Assembly #1- 10-10:30am - 1st and 2nd grade Assembly #2- 11-11:30am - 3rd grade Assembly #3- 12-12:30pm - 4th and 5th grade As a reminder, our students are to wear a facial covering at all times when on campus except when eating, drinking, or playing outside. Please help us by reminding your child of this important rule. Now that we are in Phase 3, there is not the flexibility of toggling back and forth between face-to-face induction and distance learning unless a student is quarantined due to anything COVID-related. Our face-to-face students are expected to be at school all four days unless there is an illness or a medical appointment. Attendance will be taken as normal. If your student is out for any reason, you need to call the school office. Illnesses and medical appointments will be excused absences but all other absences will be unexcused regardless of work completion. Attendance will also be taken on Wednesdays and will be based on work completion. Lastly, this is the final week before our spring break. There has been so much buzz around March 15th that we have not had the usual spring break anticipation and excitement. But, it is upon us and our schools will be closed March 22nd - April 2nd. Enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you all tomorrow when we are back TOGETHER AGAIN!!! With immense gratitude and pride, Jenna Weinert
about 3 years ago, Jenna Weinert
Congratulations to the Joan MacQueen Middle School Engineering team who won the Core Values award at the First Lego League Robotics Team and placed 3rd in Robot Games. They were one of four teams to advance to the SoCal Championship Tournament on April 10th. @SanDiegoCOE
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
JMMS Engineering
Two days until ALL students are together once again on campus!
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
Phase Three
We can't wait to see all of our students together again! Monday, March 15 begins Phase Three!
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
Phase Three
Phase Three begins March 15! We can't wait!
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
Phase three reopening
Phase Three Update!
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
Phase Three Update
CAL Fire COVID Testing for tomorrow, Wednesday, March 10th at JMMS has been canceled due to expected rain.
about 3 years ago, Mary Ann Alvarez
Hello Boulder Oaks Parents, This week marks our 20th consecutive week of in-person learning in AUSD and in just one more week we will enter Phase 3. I am so excited to have all of our students back TOGETHER AGAIN! This final week before Phase 3 will be spent ensuring that all of our protocols are being reinforced and firmly in place and putting the last minute touches on our outdoor learning spaces and schedules. We are adjusting our pick-up system slightly to help make it run as smoothly as possible. Over the next few days, your students will be bringing home a yellow card with your last name on it. This is to be used for pick-up (if you do not already have a sign you use) to help ensure that we can get your name entered into our pick-up system quickly. Some of you also may have noticed that once the busses leave the parking lot, we are asking everyone to pull up further so that we can get more students in cars at once. This is helping move our pick-up line along faster. Please also remember to only turn right out of the parking lot and to not exit your car during pick-up or drop-off. You are more than welcome to park in the lot and walk your child up to the front of the school. Second trimester report cards will be going home this Tuesday and Friday. Please do hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or questions. Thank you!! As a reminder, attendance is taken every day even when your child is learning at home. On distance learning days, your student is marked present by work completion. This will continue to take place on Wednesdays as we enter Phase 3. Thank you for your support in ensuring that your student is still engaged in learning these days. Seven more days until we are together again! Have a great week! Jenna Weinert
about 3 years ago, Jenna Weinert
In-person learning going strong!
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
We are excited to announce that after school sports will be returning to JMMS on April 6.
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
JMMS sports
We are proud that our in-person learning has been going strong for 20 consecutive weeks. We can't wait for Phase Three beginning March 15!
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
In-person learning
Hello Boulder Oaks Families, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! It is hard to believe that it is already the first day of March and that we are nearing the one-year anniversary of when schools closed. I am incredibly grateful that we will finally be entering Phase 3 in just 14 days! We have been busy preparing our outdoor learning spaces and revamping our schedule to accommodate more students on campus and are really looking forward to seeing our students together again! As a reminder, it is extremely important that you inform the school office if your child is currently 100% distance learning and you plan on your child returning to face-to-face instruction. The deadline for letting us know is Friday, March 5th at 3:00PM. After this point, distance learners will not be allowed to return to face-to-face instruction. Thank you in advance for your understanding. When we return, one of our greatest challenges will be our parking lot drop-off and dismissal. Everyone has been doing a great job following our guidelines. Please just remind your child to exit and enter the car as quickly as possible and please do not get out of the car to assist your child. If you feel your child does need assistance, you are more than welcome to park in the parking lot and walk your child to the front of the school. Thank you in advance for all of your help to make this process as seamless as possible. Our PTA is meeting this Tuesday, tomorrow evening at 5:30. We invite anyone who would like to get involved to join us. Please use the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9386495394 Report Cards will be going home next week. Students in Cohort A will receive their report cards on Tuesday, March 9th and Cohort B students will receive theirs on Friday, March 12th. If you have any questions about your student’s report card, please contact your teacher. Thank you for your continued support and have a great night! Jenna Weinert
about 3 years ago, Jenna Weinert
Our students are excited! Parents are excited! We are thrilled! We can't wait for March 15th!
about 3 years ago, Mary Ann Alvarez
Hooray for 4 days
While Zero the Hero arrives only once a year at CELC on the 100 day of school, he loved the students so much he sent them all masks as they are honorary heroes. Go Cubs!
about 3 years ago, Richard Newman
Zero the Hero