Creekside families, please join us for a school reopening webinar for CELC tonight, August 6th at 6:30 pm. Here is the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89034748336

JMMS Families - Just a reminder that our Back to School Parent Meeting takes place tonight at 6:30. Here is the webinar link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88662861072

BOES Families - Just a reminder that our Back to School Parent Meeting takes place tonight at 5:30. Here is the webinar link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82945467688 Hope you can make it!

Each school will be hosting a Reopening School webinar next week, Be on the lookout for the link to the webinar.

AUSD is looking to hire friendly, enthusiastic, and passionate individuals to join our team. We are hiring custodians, child care workers and other positions. These and other positions can be found at Edjoin.org, search Alpine Union.

We’re thrilled to announce Alpine Union School
District’s new app! Access our Reopening plans, cafeteria menus, news updates, emergency notifications. Download the app from the Apple of Google Play store. Search for Alpine Union School District.

Dear AUSD Families,
We realize that everyone is eager for answers as to what school routines will look like when the new school year begins. With this in mind, we have designed the AUSD Safe Schools Parent And Student Reopening Guidebook. It provides a road map for how our schools will operate in the 2020-21 school year. The guidebook along with all communications and updates are posted on our COVID-19 page on our website. The Guidebook, our Reopening Plan, and the list of Frequently Asked Questions and other resources are located on the page. Here is the link to the Guidebook. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/819514/2020-21_AUSD_SCHOOL_REOPENING_GUIDEBOOK.pdf

AUSD 2020-21 Registration Extended Until Friday, July 31
We are extending the 2020-21 Student Learning Model Registration until Friday, July 31 at 4:00 PM. While we will be beginning the year with distance learning, we plan to transition to face-to-face learning when health conditions allow. It is imperative that each child is registered for the learning model of your choice by Friday, July 31 so that we are able to staff appropriately. If a registration form is not completed for each child we may not be able to place your child in the learning mode of your choice when we reopen our campuses. Please check our COVID-19 webpage for a list of frequently asked questions. This page is updated daily with all communications and key information. The 2020-21 Student Learning Model Registration registration form can be found at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PSV68FS

As a follow up to our Town Hall Meeting we have posted a Frequency Asked Questions page on our Covid-19 webpage. The link to the page is located at the top of each our webpages located at www.alpineschools.net

Please read our new parent update on Reopening Schools. All updates are posted on our Covid-19 page. https://www.alpineschools.net/o/ausd/page/coronavirus-updates--15

AUSD is hiring custodial and Extended Student Services staff for before and after school child care. We are looking for committed, motivated and friendly individuals to join our team. Please visit www.edjoin.org and search Alpine Union.

AUSD is hiring custodial and Extended Student Services staff for before and after school child care. We are looking for committed, motivated and friendly individuals to join our team. Please visit www.edjoin.org and search Alpine Union.

We realize that there are many questions about the reopening of our schools. We will be hosting an AUSD Town Hall meeting to share specifics of the plan. Please submit any questions you might have to returntoschools@alpineschools.net.

We are continuing our plans to reopen schools on August 19. To ensure that your child is placed in the learning model of your choice and we are able to staff appropriately, the 2020-21 Student Learning Model Registration form is required to be filled out for each student. The registration period will be open until July 27, 2020. If a registration form is not completed for each child we will not be able to place your child in a learning model.
Parents registering for a learning model will have the flexibility of changing models. We will provide a window at the end of September for families to reassess their learning model choice for their children.
To complete the 2020-21 Student Learning Model Registration form please access the link below.

Dear AUSD families,
I hope this email finds you and your family safe and well. We know the last several months have been challenging for everyone as we have adjusted to the changes that have occurred as a result of COVID-19. We wanted to provide you with an update on the preparations our schools have been making to reopen our facilities and resume in-classroom instruction.
First, as we have stated before, our goal remains that if the rules and regulations permit schools to operate in person, we believe it is our moral imperative, when safe and possible, to provide the option for students to return to school and learn in classrooms with teachers.
Our focus remains on reopening schools in August with students attending classes in person. In short, we plan to offer in-person learning Tuesday - Friday. In addition, we will also offer a full-time distance learning model, independent study, and a homeschool option.
In the coming days, you will be asked to complete the 2020-21 Student Learning Model Registration form. It is essential that you complete it as soon as possible so we can effectively plan staffing models and ensure that your child is placed in the learning model of your choice. Parents registering for a learning model will have the flexibility of changing models. We will provide a window at the end of September for families to reassess their learning model choice for their children.
As we continue to move forward together, I want to thank you for your continued patience, support, commitment, and trust in our District. While school procedures and protocols may look different in our new reality, I want to reassure you that the heart of our work remains focused on providing the best educational programs to our students. Our commitment to our mission is unwavering and we are proud to be able to serve our Alpine community.
Rich Newman
Proud Superintendent

Dear AUSD Families,
We are continuing to prepare for the opening of schools on August 19th and wanted to share an important update. First, we know that the process of reopening and adapting to a new reality, and a host of new procedures, will be challenging. As we have done throughout this ordeal, we will work together, persevere, and make sure our students, staff, and families are supported in every way possible.
On Wednesday, July 8, 2020, the Board of Trustees approved the AUSD Reopening Schools Plan, which includes a return to face-to-face learning in the classroom four days a week, Tuesday through Friday. Monday will be a day in which students will be participating in distance learning. This will also provide custodial staff with the ability to deep clean our campuses on a weekly basis. In addition to our on-site option, we will offer home school, independent study, and distance learning options for those parents who would prefer that their child not return to learning at the school site.
As I have shared in a previous communication, I believe that if the rules and regulations permit schools to operate in person, it is our moral imperative, when safe and possible, to provide the option for students to return to school and learn in classrooms with teachers.
In the very near future, you will be receiving a communication in which you will be able to register and choose the learning option for your child for the coming school year. For now, we want you to know that our focus is on creating a safe and healthy learning environment and ensuring that you are kept up to date on our plan to open schools.
I also want to take this time to thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time. As you know, the public health situation can change at any time. Our commitment to you is that we will do everything we can to keep our students and staff safe, and to share updates with our community as we move forward. We are looking forward to reopening and seeing your child again in the very near future.
Dr. Rich Newman
Proud Superintendent

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Independence Day!

Tomorrow is the last day to complete the parent survey regarding school options in the fall. Please take a moment and share your thoughts on the survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MR2RX9J

Our goal is to fully reopen schools in the fall. To that end, we have shared our DRAFT Reopening Schools Plan along with a parent survey. Please take a moment and share your thoughts on the survey. The survey closes on July 3. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MR2RX9J

We are releasing our draft Reopening Schools Plan. Our goal is to return to face-to-face instruction in our classrooms to the greatest extent possible. Follow the link to the plan: https://rb.gy/rk47oe