Human Resources Department
(619) 445-0802
Yvette Maier
Executive Director of Human Resources and Student Services
(619) 445-0802
Teri Lyle
Human Resources - Credential Analyst
(619) 445-0802 ext. 805
Amanda Ricca
Human Resources Clerk
(619) 445-0802 ext. 804
San Diego County Schools JPA MPN
MPN ID # 1401
Other MPN Information
This person is responsible for responding to complaints, for answering employees' questions about the Medical Provider Network and for assisting the employee in arranging for an MPN independent medical review pursuant to Labor Code section 4616.4.
Felicia Amenta
Phone: (800) 560-5060
6401 Linda Vista Road, Room 505
San Diego, CA 92111
Visit the San Diego County Schools JPA MPN Website
One or more persons will be available, at a minimum, from Monday through Saturday (excluding Sundays and holidays) from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Pacific Time, to provide employee assistance with access to medical care under the MPN. The employee assistance shall be available in English and Spanish. The assistance shall include but not be limited to contacting provider offices during regular business hours and scheduling medical appointments for covered employees. MPN medical access assistants have different duties than claims adjusters. MPN medical access assistants work in coordination with the MPN Contact and the claims adjuster(s) to ensure timely and appropriate medical treatment is provided to the injured worker.
Medical Access Assistant
Phone: (844) 752-1141
For Workers' Compensation questions, please contact Teri Lyle at or at (619) 445-0802 ext. 805.